
“WISC-IV Intelligence Scale” is one of the most frequently used intelligence measurement tools for children aged 6-16 years, adapted to Turkish standards. The WISC-IV Intelligence Scale is designed to evaluate the child's performance under certain conditions. The test consists of 4 main sections and 10 subtests. It evaluates skills such as perception, verbal reasoning, non-verbal perceptual reasoning, working memory, attention and concentration. It is completed in an average of 2 hours, but this time varies for each child. It is an individual test. As a result of the test, 5 different intelligence sections of the individual are obtained. The application of the WISC-IV Intelligence Scale should be carried out by specialists who have received training in this test and have performed a certain number of applications. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the practitioner of this test is certified by the Turkish Psychological Association.

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