Theraplay is an interactional, relationship-oriented and personalized child-family therapy that aims to establish a healthy and harmonious parent-child relationship with an approach based on attachment theory.
It is an intensive and relatively short-term approach that actively involves parents in the therapy process with their children as it aims to create or shape the parent-child relationship. The aim is to improve attachment, increase self-regulation and promote a sense of trust and joyful sharing.
Theraplay is an effective treatment for children of all ages from infancy to adolescence. Theraplay is effective for internalizing behaviors such as introversion, depression, fearfulness and shyness, externalizing behaviors such as anger and defiance, and relationship and attachment problems due to adoption or loss/trauma.
It is also effective for relational problems related to difficulties in self-regulation, disorders on the autism spectrum, developmental delays and physical difficulties.
Since Theraplay is play therapy-based rather than language-based, it is also an effective treatment for children under the age of three.