The difficulties that children with autism and autism-related disorders face with thoughts, beliefs and intentions have been well studied. “A Practical Guide to Teaching Mind Reading to Children with Autism” is a useful and innovative resource for educators and parents to help individuals with ASD understand other people's minds. This new workbook is based on the authors' original work, with effective approaches, strategies and easy-to-implement headings to help individuals with ASD with social and communicative problems.
This workbook, which you can work with the authors' original book, covers the following topics:
- Understanding that people can know about different things and see in different ways;
- The connection between seeing and knowing;
- Recognizing that if one does not see something, one does not have knowledge about it;
- Understanding that knowledge and belief are directly related to behavior (what people say and do).
“Teaching Mind Reading to Children with Autism; Workbook” is an invaluable resource for professionals, parents, and anyone involved in counseling individuals with ASD.
This handbook offers rare ideas and techniques on how to teach mental states to adults and children with autism, while not losing sight of the connection between their needs and social skills in everyday life.
Prof. Uta Frith, University of College London, UK
The workbook provides us with protocols based on the research conducted by the authors of the book “A Practical Guide to Teaching Mind Reading to Children with Autism”, who came together to develop the social cognitive and intellectual skills of children with autism spectrum disorders. Taking into account the scientific validity of the first book, they have expanded the program from the first book into an easy-to-use, clear and easy-to-understand program of principles for understanding informational situations and illustrated stories with activities, examples, and generalization of the principles. We recommend the workbook to parents, educators and specialists and hope that it will serve as a basis for their work on understanding the minds of others in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.
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