Teaching Mind Reading to Children with Autism

Numerous and high-quality studies have been conducted on the ability of children with autism and similar difficulties to make sense of others' thoughts, beliefs, wishes and intentions. Today, these difficulties are seen as the underlying causes of the social and communicative problems characteristic of autism.
Teaching children with autism to read minds has been a field that has tried to define many experimental studies to investigate the relationship between the lack of “theory of mind” and children's functioning in other domains, as well as to increase the skills associated with understanding the mental states of others. By outlining their intervention program and providing detailed information on the teaching materials and strategies they use, the authors have created a practical guide to help individuals with ASD understand beliefs, emotions and the ability to pretend.
The authors addressed the following specific and problematic areas:

  • How to interpret facial expressions;
  • How to recognize feelings of sadness, anger, fear and happiness;
  • How emotions are affected by situations or what is going to happen;
  • How objects can be seen from other people's point of view;
  • How to understand another person's knowledge and beliefs.


Easy to follow and easy to implement, this guidebook is intended for special education teachers, educational and clinical psychologists, speech and language therapists, and caregivers of children with autism.

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