

Adolescence is defined as the transition period from childhood to adulthood. Adolescents who are not yet considered adults often go through a difficult period that includes going back and forth. During this period, many physical and psychological changes occur in young people, and since these are very rapid, problems may arise. Their body, dressing, choices, relationship with the opposite sex, and relationship with their parents begin to change, and with these changes, the adolescent continues to search for an identity that suits them. In this state called "As if I", the adolescent is like a customer trying on every dress in the store.

What is Adolescence?

Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and adulthood. It usually starts at the age of 10-12 and continues until the age of 18-20. This process is a period in which intense physical, emotional, social and cognitive changes are experienced. During adolescence, the body grows rapidly and gender characteristics develop. At the same time, social and psychological changes such as the search for identity, desire for independence, inclusion in groups of friends and compliance with social norms are also experienced. Adolescence is considered a critical period in personality formation and during this process, individuals experience important experiences in understanding themselves and finding their identities.

Along with physical development, the sexual feelings and urges of adolescents who develop sexually increase. For many adolescents, these newly discovered feelings can be a source of surprise and anxiety. During this period, instead of sexual education, it is necessary to tell adolescents that "they can ask questions when they need such information" and to provide this comfort.

How Should Relationships Be Established During Adolescence?

Adolescence is an emotionally challenging and complex period for individuals. When approaching adolescents, people around them should have an understanding and patient attitude. It is important to be open and sincere in communication, to be emotionally supportive, and to respect their feelings. At the same time, it is also necessary to set boundaries and determine rules, but doing this with understanding and making decisions by listening to them supports adolescents' trust and autonomy. Criticism should be expressed constructively, praise should be shared sincerely, and a solution-oriented approach should be used. Providing understanding and support in adolescents' search for identity and emotional fluctuations contributes to a healthy adolescence and prepares them for the adulthood process.

Phases of Adolescence

Adolescence is a complex process in which individuals transition from childhood to adulthood, and usually starts at the age of 10-12 and continues until the age of 18-20. Adolescence is usually examined in three stages:

Early Adolescence: During this period, usually between the ages of 10-13, children experience rapid physical growth and develop sexual characteristics. Due to the effect of hormonal changes, emotional fluctuations and mood swings are common. The process of forming an identity begins and friendships gain importance.

Middle Adolescence: During this period, which is usually between the ages of 14-17, adolescents' search for identity becomes more intense and their desire for independence increases. Efforts to adapt to social norms and conflicts with the family are frequently experienced. Adolescents become more attached to their groups of friends and their social relationships gain great importance.

Late Adolescence: This period usually occurs between the ages of 18-20 and is the period when adolescents begin to take steps towards forming their adult identity. Education and career choices, future plans and the tendency to take responsibility come to the fore. During this period, adolescents are expected to adapt to society as more mature and independent individuals.

Each individual experiences adolescence in different ways and the experiences experienced during these stages may differ from person to person. In order for adolescents to go through this period healthily, the support, understanding and guidance of their family and environment are of great importance.



The Most Common Problems During Adolescence

Adolescence begins biologically with a series of rapid physical changes, and not every adolescent may be pleased with these results. They may not find themselves too tall or short, or as handsome or beautiful as they hoped. For these reasons, problems such as obesity and anorexia nervosa may occur during this period. The adolescent's self-concept may change according to their own body image.

During adolescence, along with physical development, the adolescent's sexual feelings and urges increase. For many adolescents, these newly discovered feelings may be a source of surprise and anxiety. During this period, instead of sexual education, it is necessary to tell adolescents that "they can ask questions when they need such information" and to provide this comfort.

Along with physical and sexual changes, adolescents also experience changes in their mental abilities. The cognitive development they undergo changes not only themselves, their families, peers, and friends, but also the way they see the world, and leaves a long-term impact.

During this period, it is important for the adolescent to be able to separate from their parents and gain a certain autonomy. The basis of most ambivalent behaviors is the dynamics and conflicts that come with the adolescent's attempt to emotionally separate from their parents. During this period, instead of slamming the door and walking out, the adolescent should be able to separate from their parents by closing the door appropriately and opening it slowly when necessary.

Suggestions for Parents About Adolescence

  • Try to understand your teen's feelings by being empathetic.
  • Communicate openly and listen sincerely.
  • It is important to set boundaries, but do so with understanding.
  • Express criticism constructively and share praise sincerely.
  • Respect their autonomy and offer opportunities for independence.
  • Understand their problems and support them for solutions.
  • Be understanding of their emotional ups and downs and be patient.
  • Respect their personal space.
  • Guide them to be respectful of their friends.
  • Support communication and technology use within healthy boundaries.

What Kind of Changes Occur in the Body Structure During Puberty?

Various physical changes can be observed in people entering puberty. In girls, the menstrual cycle usually begins between the ages of 8-13 and breast development is observed. Body fat percentage increases, hips widen and waist thins. In boys, testicles and penis begin to grow, voice deepens and body hair grows, usually between the ages of 9-14. Growth rate accelerates and height increases in both sexes. Bones develop and strengthen. Hormonal changes occur during puberty, therefore skin problems such as acne and pimples may be seen. These changes may vary from person to person and puberty usually lasts until the ages of 18-20. Changes during this period are mostly normal and are part of a healthy growth and development process.

At what age does adolescence occur?

Adolescence begins between the ages of 9-12. It is a process that lasts until the age of 20, showing both psychological and physical symptoms.

How can you tell if a child is entering adolescence?

When entering adolescence, children undergo many psychological and physical changes. Physical signs include body hair growth and enlargement of sexual organs, while psychological signs include emotional outbursts, questioning life, and paying attention to appearance.

What are the psychological symptoms of adolescence?

Psychological symptoms of adolescence include difficulty in decision-making, irresponsible behavior, inability to concentrate, and changes in sleep and eating habits.

How should families behave during adolescence?

Families should approach their children with patience, make them feel safe, and assure them that they are always supported.

What problems can occur during adolescence?

During adolescence, problems such as depression, eating disorders, behavioral disorders, suicidal tendencies, substance abuse, and addiction may arise.

How should sexual education be provided during adolescence?

During adolescence, sexual emotions and urges increase. Providing children with accurate information is essential for a psychologically healthy process. Parents should be particularly mindful of internet and social media use.

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