Portage (Early Childhood Checklist)


The Portage Developmental Scale is a multi-item scale that determines the developmental levels of children aged 0-6 years. It consists of different sub-areas such as infant stimulation, cognitive development, language development, physical development, social development and self-care. The scale should be administered under the supervision of an expert due to the importance of clinical observation and fulfillment of its requirements during evaluation and reporting. The skills included in the scale are evaluated according to the child's calendar age.  In addition, according to the child's specific performance, skills from previous and later age levels are also checked. During the assessment of the child's skills, the educator and the child play together. Parents are also included in the assessment process if the child needs it. There is no specific set of materials used for the application. The aim here is to observe the child's interaction with materials that he/she frequently encounters in his/her natural environment and daily life.

After the assessment, the skills that the child can and cannot do independently or with support are determined. The scale creates a reliable basis for the developmental level of the child by giving importance to the skills that the child can do, thus enabling the creation of a training program consisting of skills to be acquired gradually.



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