Play Therapies


What is Lego-Based Therapy?

The Building Club is a social skills club where children participate in LEGO-Based Th…

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Dot (Experiential Play Therapy)

Experiential Play Therapy (EGT) is a play therapy approach that emphasizes the child'…

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Theraplay is an interactional, relationship-oriented and personalized child-family th…

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Filial Therapy

Filial Play Therapy helps parents improve their relationship with their children thro…

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Child-Centered Play Therapy

Child-Centered Play Therapy is based on Carl Rogers' Client-Centered Therapy. Carl Ro…

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Playing games is important for children to gain the skills necessary for their cognitive development, and it also plays an important role in gaining the necessary competence and understanding to move on to the next stage of development. Children provide resources for life experiences that they will encounter in their adult lives during the games they play. Children who experience the world by gaining experience and establishing relationships in the games they play, also express their feelings in this way. For this reason, games are like a basic source of nutrition for children.

Play Therapy is a type of therapy that allows children to express themselves through toys and art materials. Using play means that the child can express their thoughts and feelings without having to use words to express themselves. Talking about problems can be difficult for children. A child may not have the words to explain how they are feeling or why they are behaving the way they are.

A child may not understand what they find difficult or may not be able to explain it to someone if asked. In Play Therapy sessions, children explore their own creativity and express themselves using many different toys and art materials.

However, not every game is therapeutic. In order for a child to express themselves through play, they need to establish a relationship with an adult and trust them. It is very important that the person who will guide a child who expresses himself through play is competent in this regard. The play therapist, who opens a safe space for the child by revealing his feelings and thoughts, allows the child to review therapeutic problems, understand, tolerate and accept them. Professionals trained in this field provide the child with acceptance, comfort and strength during this process. Play therapists receive special training to provide an environment of acceptance, empathy and understanding in the play therapy room. Play Therapy is not the same as playing. Play Therapy uses the child's natural tendency to "act out" their reactions to situations in the presence of a trained play therapist to help the child feel accepted and understood, and to gain a sense of control or understanding in difficult situations. The therapist helps children manage their emotions through play and toys.

Most children go through difficult times throughout their lives, such as parental divorce and the effects it has on the child, trouble making friends, peer bullying, or adjusting to changes at school or home. Some children need more help than others to get through these times. If you or other adults in your child’s life are concerned about your child’s behavior, Play Therapy can help. Play Therapy is the best way to help your child work through difficult situations and emotions.

