Phone Addiction in Adolescents

Phone addiction in adolescents should definitely be taken seriously and necessary steps should be taken by families. Phone addiction seen in adolescents can cause a feeling of deprivation when staying away from the phone. Developments in technology have brought many benefits to human life. However, it is important to evaluate the opportunities offered by these developments correctly and in a way that will benefit the person. Technology, especially phone addiction, can isolate the person from the outside world. Today, the people most affected by phone addiction are adolescents.

What is Phone Addiction in Adolescents?

As with all addictions, a number of symptoms can be seen in a person with mobile phone addiction. These symptoms include not being able to continue a conversation in the environment where they are because they are interested in the phone, the tendency to constantly check and click the phone, disinterest in lessons and school, not being able to stay away from the phone even for a short time, taking selfies, becoming obsessed with social media, etc., and sleep problems. Phone addiction in adolescents is a disorder that manifests itself with these and similar symptoms.

What Causes Phone Addiction?

Phone addiction can be seen in people of all ages, but this situation is more common in adolescents. Situations such as unconscious social media use and not wanting to miss out on innovations can trigger phone addiction. Environmental factors and disorders such as depression are also among the conditions that cause phone addiction in adolescents. Genetic factors, the person seeing the phone as a tool to escape from problems, and similar reasons can also cause phone addiction.



Effects of Phone Addiction in Adolescents

Adolescents are in a critical period in terms of their addiction to the internet, social media, digital games and smartphones. Addictions such as phone addiction that occur during this period can cause psychological problems that can continue into the person's adulthood. The person may continue to experience phone and technology addiction in later periods. Therefore, families of adolescents should act responsibly in this regard and exhibit the appropriate attitude.

Approach to Adolescents with Phone Addiction

It is very important to establish appropriate communication with young people with phone addiction. It is recommended to establish a sincere and honest relationship and to be tolerant. You can talk to them constructively so that they understand that this situation is an addiction. You can set clear boundaries regarding phone and internet use. While exhibiting all these attitudes, it is also important to be an example to the adolescent, so adults with phone addiction at home can also limit their use. Suggesting different activities for the person with phone addiction and ensuring that they take up hobbies can also help eliminate the addiction. Being supportive and patient during this process is very important and it is recommended that you do not expect immediate results. If phone addiction cannot be eliminated despite all these steps, it is recommended to seek professional support. Internet addiction can be a serious problem and can be challenging for parents. It may be beneficial to seek professional help and work with experts to understand and meet your child's needs.

How to Fix Phone Addiction in Adolescents?

Instead of confiscating their adolescents' computers or mobile phones, parents can reduce their usage time in a controlled manner. In this process, it is important for parents to work together with their children and communicate with them. It is very important to use positive and constructive language to maintain healthy communication. Parents should follow their children's social media accounts, supervise the people they communicate with and the games they play. In this way, it is possible to prevent any negative effects related to phone addiction. The time spent with the adolescent child should be increased, and importance should be given to different activities they are interested in. In their free time, the child should be encouraged to take part in art, sports activities or musical instrument training; in this way, their cognitive and social development is supported.

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