The diagnosis of “autism” was first defined by Leo Kanner in 1943 as “Autism of Early Infancy”. However, there are some misconceptions about the definition of autism.
It is the result of emotional deprivation or emotional stress. It is caused by parental rejection or cold parenting. It is a persistent desire to avoid social contact. It is a mental disorder (mental illness). They are gifted because they have special abilities in some narrow areas. Autism is a temporary condition. | Autism spectrum disorder is thought to have neurological causes. Autism is not related to child-rearing characteristics or socio-economic characteristics of the family. There is evidence that autism spectrum disorder may be hereditary; however, the gene or genes that cause it have not yet been found. Autism is not a mental illness; however, its symptoms may resemble some mental illnesses. Very few individuals (about 10%) diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder have superior characteristics such as very strong memory, musical talent, etc. Autism is not a temporary condition but a lifelong condition. Symptoms may decrease over time but do not disappear completely. |