Embedded Figures Test for Children


This test, created by Stephen A. Karp and Noema Konstadt in 1971, is a revised form of the previously used hidden figures test for children. The child is asked to find first a triangle and then a house figure in a meaningful picture within 2 minutes. The test is an individually administered test and contains 25 items (pictures). During the application, the child is first given a short exercise on the test in the first three items, and when the child is ready, the actual test is started.

The test is interrupted after three consecutive mistakes or failures. The test consists of two stages. If the child succeeds in finding the triangle figure in a complex picture in the first stage, the second stage is the search for the house figure. If the child fails in the first phase, the test must be discontinued before the second phase is attempted. The scoring is coded as “1” for each figure found and “0” for each figure not found.

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