
Dyscalculia causes children to have difficulty understanding number concepts, solving problems, and learning mathematical operations. This can negatively affect their academic success.

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a learning disability that individuals experience in understanding and applying mathematical concepts. This condition, which is usually noticeable in childhood, manifests itself with difficulties related to numbers, symbols, and basic operations. Individuals with dyscalculia have difficulty solving mathematical problems, calculating time, and following sequences. This learning disability is independent of intelligence level and can be associated with genetic factors or brain development.




Dyscalculia Symptoms

Dyscalculia symptoms manifest themselves as individuals having difficulty understanding concepts related to numbers, making mistakes while performing basic mathematical operations, and not being able to follow step-by-step sequential tasks. In addition, there may be difficulties in keeping track of time and using mathematical terms correctly. Dyscalculia symptoms can be listed as follows:

Difficulty Understanding the Concept of Numbers; The person has difficulty grasping the meaning, magnitude, or relationships between numbers.
Difficulty Performing Basic Operations; Makes mistakes while performing basic operations such as addition and subtraction, or the operation time may be long.
Difficulty Following Time and Calendars; Has difficulty reading clocks, remembering time and days.
Difficulty Following Sequencing and Step-by-Step Instructions; May experience confusion in performing sequential tasks or following steps.
Confusion in Mathematical Terms; Has difficulty understanding concepts and terms related to mathematics.

What Causes Dyscalculia?

Although the exact cause of dyscalculia is not known, it is thought that genetic factors and differences in brain structure lead to this learning disability. Developmental differences in the areas of the brain that process numbers and mathematical operations can affect the way individuals process mathematical information. Some studies show that individuals with dyscalculia have abnormalities in the parietal lobe region of their brains, especially in number-related activities.

Genetic predisposition is also an important factor. It has been determined that this condition is more common in individuals with a family history of dyscalculia or other learning disabilities. In addition, traumas or brain damage experienced in early childhood can also trigger this condition. Dyscalculia is not related to the individual's intelligence. Individuals with normal intelligence can also encounter this problem.

Dyscalculia Test

The dyscalculia test is an assessment process used to determine difficulties in individuals' mathematical skills. It is usually performed by expert psychologists, educators or neurologists. The purpose of the test is to measure the individual's ability to understand number concepts, perform basic operations, grasp mathematical terms and solve problems.

This test includes various questions and applied problems. The speed and accuracy of the individual's addition, subtraction, multiplication, ordering and logical thinking skills are evaluated. In addition, the individual's ability to keep track of time, use a calendar and visual-spatial skills can be tested.

The dyscalculia test does not measure the individual's general intelligence level; therefore, unlike intelligence tests, it focuses only on mathematical skills. According to the test results, the level of the individual's mathematical difficulties is determined and personalized education plans are developed.



Dyscalculia Treatment

Dyscalculia treatment requires a comprehensive and personalized approach to address an individual's difficulties with mathematics. During the treatment process, experts use a range of methods to understand the individual's difficulties and develop strategies to solve these problems.

Success in dyscalculia treatment begins with creating a personalized education plan. This plan is prepared in accordance with the individual's needs and learning style. The education program usually includes repetition and simplification of basic mathematical concepts, and adjustment of the learning pace to the individual's capacity. In addition, strategies such as one-on-one lessons and small group work may also be part of the treatment process.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is used in some individuals with dyscalculia. This therapy aims to reduce the individual's anxiety about mathematics and provide a more positive perspective. Educators teach mathematical concepts to individuals with dyscalculia using visual materials and concrete tools. For example, they make addition and subtraction more understandable with tools such as colored blocks. In addition, digital educational tools and games are also used in dyscalculia treatment. These applications help increase motivation by making the learning process more fun.

Dyscalculia can affect not only academic success but also an individual's self-confidence. Psychologists and counselors provide support to develop an individual's emotional and social skills. Addressing the feeling of failure, especially in the school environment, increases the individual's overall well-being.

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