Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity (ADHD)

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Children


It is one of the most common psychiatric conditions in children, characterized by excessive mobility, attention and concentration disorders, and impulsivity compared to their peers and developmental period. Although its symptoms begin in early childhood, they become most evident in school life. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, which begins in childhood, is a problem that can affect the child's quality of life throughout life, and its diagnosis and treatment are very important.

ADHD can manifest itself in 3 different types. Combined ADHD, which is generally seen together with attention deficit and hyperactivity; on the other hand; sometimes there can be hyperactive/impulsive ADHD, where mobility is in the foreground and attention deficit is in the background, or, conversely, attention deficit, where attention deficit is in the foreground and mobility is in the background.

This disorder, which is seen in an average of 5% of the child population, is more common in boys than in girls. While attention deficit is more common in girls, hyperactivity is common in boys.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), although the exact cause is unknown, is said to have bio-psycho-social causes at its root. However, it is suggested that brain injuries occurring before and after birth may also be the cause.

In order for a child to be diagnosed with ADHD; the child must show symptoms before the age of 7 and this picture must be seen in at least two different environments (home/school). Symptoms of attention deficit may be evident by not being able to do two things at the same time.

ADHD (Attention Deficit) Symptoms

ADHD Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Type;

  • Excessive mobility
  • Inability to sit still
  • Continuously moving hands and feet even while sitting
  • Speaking quickly
  • Pronouncing words incorrectly and not being able to connect sentences
  • Difficulty listening
  • Difficulty waiting for the other person to finish, interrupting
  • Desiring requests to be met immediately
  • Being impatient
  • Acting without thinking and in a hurry
  • Not being able to wait one's turn
  • Not being able to control reactions are among the symptoms of hyperactivity.

ADHD Attention Deficit Type;

  • Difficulty in focusing
  • Inability to sustain attention
  • Not making eye contact
  • Inability to continue the same activity for a long time
  • Getting bored easily
  • Overlooking details
  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty in listening to the other person
  • Losing personal belongings and trusts
  • Inability to remember simple instructions
  • Making frequent mistakes are among the symptoms of distraction.

ADHD Treatment

How is ADHD treated? Attention deficit treatment; medication, therapy techniques, special education support and family guidance can be considered as integral and complementary parts of this treatment.



What Happens If Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Is Not Treated?

The possibility of a child experiencing problems with their environment and behavioral problems begins to increase over time. This problem escalates in adolescence and can become difficult to control. As the child receives negative criticism from the environment and their academic success decreases, their self-confidence also begins to decrease. This causes the child to withdraw from school and become irritable. If the child is hyperactive, they may attempt to have different and dangerous experiences. It is observed that alcohol and cigarette use and addiction are 3 times more common in these children than in other children, and attempts to experience sexual acts and getting pregnant before the age of 18 are 10 times more common than their peers. Failing school due to attention deficit and not attending school are the most common results. The family can prevent and overcome possible problems by taking the right approach and receiving support.

What Can Mothers and Fathers Do for ADHD?

It is one of the most important conditions for parents to create a scheduled and orderly home environment. Because the environment is orderly, work is organized, and sleep, meal, lesson, TV, and play times are set, reducing the complexity and disorganization in the child's inner world. A chaotic structure, disorder, irregularity, and conflict in the family environment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder causes behavioral problems to be seen more frequently.

It is useful to create opportunities for movement and to determine some rhythmic movements and a place where they can do these movements when they are bored at home.

When giving instructions to children, these instructions should attract the child's attention. Eye contact should be established and they should be said in a clear, calm, and serious manner. In instructions given by shouting, the child's attention will focus on the volume of the voice, not the meaning of the instruction. The child may be asked to repeat the rule to make sure that they have listened to it and understood what and how they should comply.

The most important way to help children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder gain listening skills is to listen carefully and encourage them to listen carefully. It will be difficult to teach a child who is not listened to to listen and understand.

These children are criticized a lot by everyone. It is constantly emphasized that they make mistakes. Parents should highlight the positive aspects of the child, apply them and encourage the child. In this way, the child's self-esteem is developed.

It should be found out what the child with ADHD is interested in. These children do not have difficulty concentrating on the subject they are interested in. A list of what they are interested in can be made. An attempt can be made to combine the subject they are interested in with academic subjects.

Parents need to know that the child has some difficulties compared to other children. Ignoring the truth only creates the idea that the child is 'disturbed' and 'not satisfied'. It should be known that this problem is a real medical problem with attention deficit, low motivation in school and lessons. Knowing and accepting the problem at the earliest stage will ensure an effective and beneficial fight against it.

One of the most sensitive and crucial points of being a parent is to make the child feel that you will always love him and that you are attached to him. Even if your child does something you do not like, he should think that you love him unconditionally. Parents who show their love to their children and reward them only when they behave in harmony are far from the understanding of absolute love. Making their love conditional and giving this message to the child damages the relationship and opens wounds that cannot be repaired.

Gamze Sönmez

Burcu Demiröz


  • (2017). L. M.-W.-T. Arthur E. Jongsma-Jr. içinde, Çocuk Psikoterapisi Tedavi Planlayıcısı (s. 78-90). Nobel.
  • Koçkar, P. D. Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu Dikkati dağınık, Yerinde Duramayan Çocuklara Doğru Yaklaşımlar. hyb.
  • Tuncer, E. S. Dikkat eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu. Doğan Kitap.
  • Yılmaz, A. (2017). A. yılmaz içinde, Çocuk Psikolojisini anlama kılavuzu (s. 197-205). Hayykitap.

How can attention deficit and hyperactivity be recognized in children?

Attention deficit in children can be identified by difficulty focusing on tasks, frequently losing items, and being easily distracted. Children with hyperactivity show excessive movement and restlessness as symptoms.

How can attention deficit and hyperactivity be treated in children?

If detected early, attention deficit and hyperactivity can be effectively managed. Treatment may include medication, individual therapy, and parental training.

What happens if attention deficit and hyperactivity are not treated?

If left untreated, children with attention deficit and hyperactivity are more likely to experience high levels of anxiety and depression in later years.

How should parents handle hyperactive children?

Parents should communicate clearly and simply with hyperactive children and help them channel their energy in positive ways. Providing guidance to help them manage their emotions is essential.

What are the characteristics of a child with attention deficit?

Attention deficit in children is particularly noticeable in academic settings, where they struggle to focus. In daily life, they may exhibit forgetfulness, disorganization, and inattentiveness.

When is attention deficit and hyperactivity diagnosed?

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder should be diagnosed when symptoms are observed in both school and home environments. The symptoms must persist for at least six months, and the child must be at least six years old for a diagnosis to be made.


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