Anxiety Disorder in Children

Anxiety disorder is a state of excessive and uncontrollable worry that negatively affects children's daily lives. In children, this disorder is often more severe than developmentally normal levels of anxiety and can affect both the child's emotional and physical health. Anxiety disorders seen in childhood can carry over into adolescence and adulthood if not treated in a timely manner.

Separation Anxiety in Children

Separation anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety in which a child experiences intense anxiety when separated from their parents or caregivers. Although separation anxiety is seen as a part of the normal developmental process, especially in younger age groups, this condition can become pathological. It can occur due to overprotective parental attitudes or a traumatic event. They may have difficulty being alone or sleeping, and they may frequently worry that something bad will happen to their parents.




Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is a disorder in which a child experiences excessive fear and shyness in social situations. The fear of feeling judged in social environments can trigger this condition. It manifests itself with excessive fear in situations that require speaking or performing in a crowd, hesitating to meet new people, not participating in social activities due to fear of failure or being ridiculed.

What Causes Anxiety Disorder in Children?

Anxiety disorder in children can develop due to both the family and the social environment. If the parent has an anxiety disorder, it is normal for the child to experience it as well. In general, anxiety can be triggered if the child has a shy or perfectionist personality. Chemicals in the brain or neurological factors can also help this psychological problem occur in children. Traumatic events such as violence, divorce, and accidents within the family lead to the development of anxiety. Financial difficulties or the parent's overprotective approach to the child can also be considered as a cause.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder in Children

Anxiety disorder in children can manifest itself with physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. These symptoms can affect daily life and cause the child to have difficulty in school, family and friendships. An anxious, restless child who overreacts to events may show symptoms such as nausea, headache, sleep problems, sweating and shaking. However, he/she may not want to go to school, may not want to be separated from his/her mother and father by being overly attached to them, and may feel the need for constant approval because he/she wants to feel safe.

If these symptoms have started to reoccur constantly, if these behaviors of the child negatively affect the social and family environment, and if he/she is experiencing intense physical difficulties, it is necessary to get support from a psychologist.




How is Anxiety Disorder Diagnosed in Children?

When symptoms of anxiety disorder are noticed in children, a child psychologist should definitely be consulted. The psychologist process includes understanding the anxiety experienced by the child, determining its causes and applying appropriate treatment methods.

In the first evaluation, the psychologist meets with the parent to learn about the child's history, the events he/she has experienced and the symptoms he/she shows. Information is obtained about the source of anxiety, thoughts and feelings by talking to the child one-on-one. These interviews can be done with child-friendly methods such as playing, drawing pictures or telling stories. If necessary, psychological tests that measure anxiety can be applied.
As a result of the evaluation, the factors that trigger the child's anxiety are determined. A treatment plan is created in line with this information. The treatment is personalized according to the child's age, experiences, severity of anxiety and symptoms.

Treatment of Anxiety Disorder in Children

Cognitive behavioral therapy, play therapy, relaxation and breathing techniques, and family therapy can be applied in the treatment of anxiety disorder in children. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective therapy method that aims to change the child's negative thought patterns and related behaviors. The child is taught the skills to recognize and cope with anxiety-provoking thoughts.

Play therapy is especially preferred for young children. During play, the child is helped to express his/her feelings and process anxiety. In family therapy, the dynamics within the family are studied and how parents can be more effective in managing anxiety are discussed.
Regular meetings are held to assess whether the child's anxiety symptoms have decreased. Parents are also informed about how they can support them.

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