Alternative Techniques in Autism

As with any chronic condition, there are alternative treatment methods for autism. However, none of these treatments have yet been scientifically validated.

Alternative Methods in Autism

After the diagnosis of autism, some alternative methods are used. These methods are as follows:

Auditory Integration Therapy


It was developed by Guy Berard. It is also known as the Berard method.

This method, which says that learning does not take place because the sense of hearing is too sensitive to auditory stimuli, is used in children with autism, hyperactivity and learning disorders. It is thought that music can alleviate this pain by allowing certain sound frequencies to pass through the filter.

It is applied through headphones for about an hour a day for about ten days and in this way, it creates a kind of regular ebb and flow through different frequencies, applying messages to the common ear and the brain.

This treatment is known to be effective on a small group of autistic children. In particular, it can be said that it makes some children more social, more attentive and reduces hypersensitivity to sounds (Korkmaz, 2000). 

Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy is carried out by addressing the relationship between awareness of one's own body and different sensations.

Problems such as hypersensitivity or unresponsiveness to touch, which are common in children with autism, impaired body perception, that is, problems in recognizing and using their own body, and coordination disorders are addressed.

It can be used as a supportive treatment method rather than the main treatment.

Diet Therapy

Proteins are broken down into amino acids in the intestine during normal digestion. It has been suggested that in some autistic children this cleavage in the intestine during digestion is not into amino acids but into peptides (several amino acids together), most of these peptides pass into the urine and some pass into the brain, disrupting normal nerve transmission and causing autistic behavior.

Therefore, it is thought that when autistics eat grains, peptides in the form of glutemorphins are released in the intestine, or when they drink milk, peptides in the form of casamorphins are released in the intestine, and that these peptides have opioid-like activity in the brain, resulting in autistic behaviors.

Therefore, in the treatment of autism, eliminating gluten and casein-containing foods from the diet has been considered.

A 3-month experience was recommended and it was stated that if no results were obtained in this period, it would not be beneficial to continue. It was suggested that this dietary restriction should be done under the supervision of a dietician and that some balancing foods should be added to the diet in addition to this restriction.



Pharmacological Treatment

In 1997, “risperdal” was started to be administered in children with autistic features. According to the results of the application, significant clinical improvement was observed in motor mobility, hyperactivity, social relations, sensory reactions, language use, self-destructive behaviors, anger, irritability and restlessness. No improvement was reported in repetitive behaviors. Weight gain and sedation as side effects of the drug in question These results were obtained from small groups of 6-14 children (Korkmaz, 2000). Currently, risperdal and its equivalents continue to be used.

Art Therapy

Autistic children are known to be interested in art and painting. Some autistic children are gifted in this area. These tendencies of children are also used for therapeutic purposes. Many methods can be used simultaneously and in combination to improve the communication and speech skills of autistic children. Some researchers have included music in education programs in addition to oral and sign language.

In addition to the extraordinary interest and skills shown in music, it has been noticed that music has a soothing and attention-enhancing effect on these children. It is also known that music eliminates the boredom of communication, and that the rhythm and timbre of music make it easier to follow and understand the words.

Art therapy is the treatment of an individual or a group with art therapy by making art and using appropriate tools and equipment. In autistics with advanced symbolization skills, the creation of a work of art, emotions and

PET Therapy (Therapy with Pets)

  • Horse Therapy (Hippotherapy)
  • Dolphin Therapy
  • Dog Therapy

various pet therapies are available.

The Point to Consider When Applying Alternative Therapies:

  • None of these treatments have been fully proven to be scientifically valid.
  • These methods can only be utilized as ancillary and supportive education in addition to intensive special education.

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